Colombia | Familia Leguizamo - Whole Bean

Colombia | Familia Leguizamo - Whole Bean

from $24.00

Whole Bean Coffee


Process: Washed

Lime, Brown Sugar, Smooth

Crisp and bright washed process Colombia from the Leguizamo family farm in San Agustin, Huila.

Arnulfo Leguizamo is who every cafetero in Colombia should aspire to be: As a member of Asociación Los Naranjos, he is a leader in his community and supports his fellow farmers in their efforts to improve their quality. In 2011, he won the first prize at the Cup of Excellence with coffee from this farm. He continues to be a hard-working, approachable, and generous producer, and an inspiration to others—including his son Diego, who has started managing Finca El Faldon alongside his father and uncle Luis Felipe. Diego has trained up as a cupper and seeks to be in charge of operations in the future, a multigenerational coffee family.

Recently, Arnulfo has become even more of an innovator and leader in his community, by opening a café in San Agustin.

Finca El Faldon is managed by Luis Felipe, Arnulfo, and Arnulfo's son Diego. This lot comes from a portion of the farm they all manage together.

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