Mexico | Mercedes Andrés - Whole Bean
Mexico | Mercedes Andrés - Whole Bean
Whole Bean Coffee
Process: Washed
Dark Chocolate, Sugar Snap Peas, Pepper
Uniquely rich coffee from the Eloxochitl region, with notes of pepper and sugar snap peas balanced out with dark chocolate, these Mexican beans are some of the best we have cupped.
The daughter of parents of Nahuatl indigenous origin from Macuiltepec in the municipality of San Miguel Eloxochitlán,, Mercedes Galvez Andrés, at the age of 27, established a 1/4 hectare coffee plot with Anacafe 14 plants. Leaving behind her job as a teacher in an indigenous school with the aim of generating more income to improve her quality of life, together with her husband, Fermin Temoxtle Rodriguez, Mercedes joined a group of 17 Nahuatl people from her community in renovating a coffee plantation. A year later, she added 1,200 Obatã plants to her plot.
In pursuit of improving the quality of her production, Mercedes joined the field school of the Rural Development Secretariat of the government of Puebla in 2021, where she trained in agricultural and processing practices. That same year, she was encouraged to participate in the Pride of Puebla competition and submitted for the first time, and in 2022 competed again, with her coffee scoring in the top 10 lots.